Our February meeting is this Tuesday at 7 pm, at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.
Bring your favourite snack/beverage (non-alcoholic). Andrew will bring pizza.
This month's topic is digital telephony. Andrew built an Asterisk based voice menu box for a local real estate business in January, so he says "I know enough about asterisk FreePBX to be dangerous and will share it all with you making you equally dangerous." System requirements include a demo with a linux asterisk pbx, pair of telephones and IP trunking. Bring your ATAs, IP phones, etc, we will have an old school phracking party. As always, the floor is open to anyone who has an interesting project or problem to describe. And we will have our customary magazine exchange, hardware give away, and the inescapable uncontrollable tech talk.