Our next meeting is Tuesday, August 2, 7 pm, at Joe Tomato's in Owen Sound.
Because of staffing shortages, the meeting room at the back of the restaurant is closed. So we will occupy a large table in the main body of the restaurant, as we did last meeting.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, July 5, 7 pm, tentatively at Joe Tomato's in Owen Sound. We use the meeting room at the back of the restaurant.
Note: we have not yet confirmed the location. Check back here Tuesday, or subscribe to our email list to get updates.
Updated: Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 3, 7 pm, at Andrew's home, 217 4th Ave. W. Bring your favourite beverage or snack. There will be pizza. Worked on a project recently? Bring that too. Meeting will end at 9 pm sharp.
We're back to in-person meetings! Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 5, 7 pm, at Joe Tomato's in Owen Sound. We use the meeting room at the back of the restaurant.
Current rules allow us to meet, talk, eat and drink together. On the other hand if you are worried about COVID and decide not to come on Tuesday that's ok too.
Bring whatever you've been working on that you want to share. Andrew will bring his esp8266 weather station and a new dual arduino/ esp8266 proto board. Books, magazines, hardware ... whatever you want to share.
Yes, BGLUG is still around and still active. We just haven't had any in-person meetings since March 3, 2020. As it is now December 16, 2021, I make that to be twenty-one months without a live meeting.
Early in the pandemic, there were a few attempts to hold a virtual BGLUG meeting. Those had limited success. Most of our members seem to prefer interacting via our email list.
With the advent of "Omicron," it seems likely that in-person gatherings will be discouraged for a while yet. We'll announce here and on the email list when meetings resume.
Happy holidays to all, and here's hoping for a better 2022!
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no BGLUG meetings at the United Way until further notice.
Feel free to join our email list and chat or ask questions there.
Our next meeting is Tuesday March 3rd, 7pm at United Way. Click for Google map. Bring your favourite non-alcoholic beverage; Andrew will bring pizza.
No special topic this month. If you've been working on something recently bring it in and show it off. The best part of these meetings is usually the spontaneous and unscripted sharing of ideas, hardware, and software.
Our February meeting is Tuesday February 4th, 7pm at United Way. Click for Google map. Bring your favourite non-alcoholic beverage; Andrew will bring pizza.
Tentative topic: Remi and Andrew will explain how they replaced Windows Server with an Ubuntu server at United Way.
There will be some hardware giveaways. And the most important part of all these meetings is the unscripted tech talks that always arise.
Our January meeting is Tuesday January 7th, 7pm at United Way. Click for Google map. Bring your favourite non-alcoholic beverage; Andrew will bring pizza.
Topic: online services. Is the online economy unsustainable due to its high power usage and the resulting environmental effects? What online services do you use? Let's discuss how many streaming services people use, their support for Linux and other OS, and how much we pay directly and/or indirectly. Of course, everyone can and will talk about whatever they want ... some of the best topics are unplanned. And please bring any projects or problems that you have been working on recently.
Our December meeting is Tuesday December 3rd, 7pm at United Way. Click for Google map.
No topic has been announced.