BGLUG meeting Tues. Mar. 2

Our March meeting will be Tuesday 2 March at 7 PM, at Joe Tomato's in Owen Sound. (Note that we are not meeting at the United Way this month.)

The presentation is To Be Announced.

No meeting in February

We will not be meeting in February.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 2nd, in Owen Sound.

BGLUG Meeting Tues. Jan. 5

Our January meeting will be next week, Tuesday 5 Jan at 7 PM in the United Way building, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map. Bring your own snacks, Andrew will bring pizza.

Bring your favourite tech Christmas/Hanukkah/Ramadan/Kwanza/Festivus/etc present. Doesn't have to be this year - could be the Apple LISA that you bought yourself in 1983. Show off your tech goodliness in the new year with people who get it.

New Email List

Greetings! If you're reading this page, you've successfully navigated to the new web site.

If you were a subscriber to the "old" bglug (at) email list, you will need to resubscribe. Sorry for the inconvenience, but that email list had a lot of "dead" addresses, and was attracting a lot of spam, and Your Humble Administrators thought it best to start with a clean slate. To subscribe to the new list, go here.

If you have problems subscribing to the new list, please send an email to webmaster (at), and I'll try to straighten it out. - Brad

New BGLUG Web Site

Welcome to the new web site of the Bruce-Grey Linux Users Group. This new site is using the Drupal Content Management System, which we hope will allow us to keep the site more up to date.

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