BGLUG at MIY Rumpus, Sat. June 13

The Bruce-Grey Linux Users Group will have a table at the Owen Sound Make-It-Yourself Rumpus, this Saturday, June 13, from 10 am to 3 pm, at the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library. Click for Google Map.

We will be talking about Linux and the United Way's STARS project (Supplying Technology to At-Risk Students). We will also be demonstrating a Linux games machine (Steam!), and showing how to install an assortment of Linux distros to an old "recycled" computer. Plus maybe a bit of computer refurbishing, and some hardware tinkering. Stop by to say hello!

BGLUG Meeting Tues. June 2

Our June meeting is Tuesday June 2nd at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.

Topic for this meeting is to be announced, but there will likely be planning for our participation in the Owen Sound Library’s "Make It Yourself Rumpus" on Saturday June 13th. We will have a table there, and plan to demonstrate computer refurbishing and Linux installation, while talking up Linux and the STARS project.

BGLUG Meeting Tues. May 5

Our May meeting is Tuesday May 5th at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.

Topic for this meeting is Mini-Maker Faire. More specifically, we have been invited to participate in the Owen Sound Library’s Mini Maker Faire on Saturday June 13th. So let’s do something! Bring your ideas on Tuesday night. We can show off our stuff and give people a chance to make something using Linux and open source software. This is our chance to be subversive and creative.

No March Meeting

There will be no meeting tonight (March 3rd), due to the big snowstorm. See you in April!

BGLUG Meeting 2nd Tuesday, Feb. 10

Our meeting will be on the second Tuesday this month! February 10th at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.

BGLUG Meeting Tues. Dec. 2

Our December meeting is Tuesday December 2nd at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.

No special topics. If you have been working on something interesting, bring it along.

BGLUG Meeting Tues. Nov. 4

Our November meeting is Tuesday November 4th at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.

BGLUG Meeting Tues. Oct. 7

Our October meeting is Tuesday October 7th at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.

BGLUG Road Trip Sat. Sept. 13

Our September meeting is a road trip to the Personal Computer Museum in Brantford on Saturday the 13th. This is a hands on museum. Bring your old computer magazines - you can type in the basic programs. Bring a screwdriver. Bring donations if you have something that they might be interested in.

Plan is to leave Owen Sound around 9am, arrive Brantford about 11am.

Please use the BGLUG email list to arrange carpooling.

BGLUG Meeting Tues. Aug. 5 CANCELED

Due to circumstances, our August meeting has been canceled.

A reminder - our September meeting is a SPECIAL road trip to the computer museum in Brantford.

Our August meeting is Tuesday August 5th at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map. Bring your favourite (non alcoholic) beverage, Andrew will bring pizza.

Topic for the meeting is firewalls - could be consumer router/firewall, could be custom built system. Bring your favourite firewall/router for show and tell. Of course, we will have lots of tech talk, magazine and hardware exchange, etc.

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