Our usual meeting places are booked, so we won't have our usual first-Tuesday meeting this month.
See you in the new year!
Our November meeting is this Tuesday at 7 pm, at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.
No special theme. Andrew is interested in MAME on raspberry pi and will bring his gear. If you want to bring arcade stuff that would be awesome. And if anyone has tried Virtualbox with raw disk access that would be interesting.
And most importantly, we will have tech talk, hardware exchange, magazine giveaway.
Our October meeting will be at Joe Tomato's in Owen Sound, this Tuesday at 7 pm, in the back room.
Andrew will have part 2 of the tutorial on his favourite command "dd", and some free gear to pass around. And like always, there will be tech talk, magazines, hardware, free software, etc.
Our September meeting will be this Tuesday at 7 pm, at the United Way, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map. Bring your favourite snack/non-alcoholic drink. Andrew will bring pizza.
No specific plan for this meeting. Part 2 of Andrew's dd tutorial is ready to go. If you want, you can check out this quiz regarding part 1 of the dd tutorial. Show off your favourite project or gadget. Bring your latest questions. And of course we will have the usual chip chatter, software speak and hardware haggling.
Our August meeting will be at Joe Tomato's in Owen Sound, this Tuesday at 7 pm, in the back room.
No specific topic - bring your latest project, gadget, etc. We will have the usual tech talk, hardware & magazine swap, etc.
BGLUG will not hold a meeting in July. Our next meeting will be August 7th.
Our monthly meeting is this Tuesday, June 5th at 7 pm, at the United Way building, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map. Bring your favourite snack.
No special topic this month. We have a pile of stuff donated by Ted. We can sort through that stuff while we chat. Andrew will bring his kobo (which runs linux) and explain how not to hack a kobo and lose your wireless capability. And of course, the usual tech talk, magazine exchange, etc.
Our April meeting will be at Joe Tomato's in Owen Sound, this Tuesday at 7 pm. We have the backroom, so bring any gear, project, etc that you want to show off.
Topic for the meeting will again be servers. Big server, small server, media server, print server. Server tips and tricks. Favourite utilities. Lots of interesting avenues to explore.
And of course, we will have the usual tech chatter, code talk and nerd speak. As well as magazine, hardware and Free Software giveaways.
Our monthly meeting is this Tuesday, March 6th at 7 pm, at the United Way building, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map. Bring your favourite snack.
Topic for the evening is web servers. Anything to do with web servers, from the server or client side. Andrew will talk about wget and curl and maybe drupal. We can set up a server to experiment with. And, as always, there will be indecipherable tech talk, secure sneaker-net exchange of magazines and books, and covert channel hardware giveaways.
This month's meeting will be this Tuesday, 7 pm at the United Way building, 380 9th Street E., in Owen Sound. Click for Google Map.
Bring your favourite project. Andrew will discuss a couple of software projects and a few gadgets. And as usual, there will be lots of tech talk, magazines and hardware to share.